Sky & Telescope
The Planetary Society
The Universe Today
Astrocruise - (Philip Perkins Astrophotography) Philip has produced a lot of great shots using a 10" LX200
Michael Covington's Astrophotography - Great source of astrophoto's and Info
Chris Vedeler's Astrophotography - Chris's site has great astrophoto's and great info
Catching The Light - Jerry Lodriguss's outstanding web page with astrophoto's and tons of information on post-processing with Photoshop
Astrophotography Mailing List (APML) archives - The best list I have ever belonged to!
Mountain Instruments MI-250 List - A listserve for information on Mountain Instruments equipment.
Oceanside Photo and Telescope - Retailer of fine astronomy equipment
Hutech Astronomical Products - Retailer of very nice IDAS light pollution and tri-Color filters for astrophotography (available in many sizes).
Kendrick Studio - Maker of many fine astronomical accessories
Losmandy - Maker of precision Equatorial Mounts (GM8 and G11), mounting plates, and rings
Lumicon - Maker of many fine astronomical/astophoto accessories
Mountain Instruments - Maker of precision Equatorial Mounts (MI-250 and MI-500)
Parallax Instruments - Makers of fine Astronomical Telescopes and Equatorial Mountings (Rings)
Software Bisque - Maker of Robotic Mounts and "The Sky" software
ScopeTronix - Maker of accessories for Meade LX Mounts and ETX scopes
Mitty Observatory Machine Shop - Maker of Exceptional Wedges for Meade RCX and LX series telescopes
Telescope & Binocular - Retailer of fine astronomy equipment
All of the photographs and text on these pages are © Copyright 1999 - 2006 by Mike Rogers, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. They may not be reproduced, published, copied or transmitted in any form, including electronically on the Internet or World Wide Web, without written permission of the author. Thank you for respecting the intellectual property rights protected by the Copyright laws of the United States and new International Copyright treaty.